Sunday 30 April 2017

Zend Engin Php


Zend Engine

 is used internally by PHP as a compiler and runtime engine. PHP Scripts are loaded into memory and compiled into Zend opcodes. These opcodes are executed and the HTML generated is sent to the client.
To implement a Web script interpreter, you need three parts:
  • The interpreter part analyzes the input code, translates it, and executes it.
  • The functionality part implements the functionality of the language (its functions, etc.).
  • The interface part talks to the Web server, etc.
Zend takes part 1 completely and a bit of part 2; PHP takes parts 2 and 3.
Zend itself really forms only the language core, implementing PHP at its very basics with some predefined functions.

The Zend Engine is the centerpiece of PHP, and is the component that parses (in other words, 'understands') and executes all of your PHP files.
Work on the Zend Engine began on 1997, when Andi Gutmans and Zeev Suraski designed the first implementation of the PHP language, with syntax loosely based on PHP/FI. Their work on PHP 3 revolutionized the PHP world, and created PHP as we all know it today.
The term 'Zend Engine' was first used in 1999, and was given to the scripting engine of PHP 4. For the first time, the scripting engine was a separable, reusable component, that was not tied to the Web-specific interfaces of PHP in any way, and could be used elsewhere. The performance, reliability and extensibility of PHP 4's engine brought a 2nd revolution to the world of PHP, and helped making it the most popular Web platform in the world today.
The Zend Engine is responsible for the following tasks in PHP:
  • High performance parsing (including syntax checking), in-memory compilation and execution of PHP scripts
  • Implementation of all of the standard data structures of PHP
  • Interfacing with extension modules for connectivity to external resources and protocols, such as SQL, HTTP and FTP
  • Overloading the Object Oriented syntax, for integration with Java and .NET
  • Providing all of the standard services, including memory management, resource management and more for the whole of PHP
The Zend Engine was designed to be extensible, and allows extension modules such as debuggers, performance boosters and custom loaders to be dynamically integrated to it. Whenever you're using such a plug-in module, you're doing so thanks to the extensibility options of the Zend Engine!

 All thinks for the creator of Zend Engine for the Supporting PHP.

For more details :- Zend.comPhp/document

Wait for the next blog
Stay Touched With Developer skool /The Spi-Tech Consolidate

Saturday 29 April 2017

PhoneGap Android development Framework

Phone Gap Framework / Desktop Application 

Android development Framework / Tool Phonegap

The PhoneGap Desktop App is the easiest way to get started with PhoneGap. It’s an alternative to the PhoneGap CLI, yet it uses the same libraries under-the-hood.

There’s no complicated installation. You don’t need git, npm, or even node.js. We include all of the important parts for you, so that you can focus on creating your next app!

1 ) Download 

Download Phone Gap for Windows
Download Phone Gap for Mac      

2 )     Extract the Zip file and Install the Application on your system

3 )     Use  Application On your system any time

How to use it

Total installation of PhoneGap and environment
Youtube video

 Open the application

After that 
  1. Click the + on the left-panel.
  2. Select Create new PhoneGap project…
    • Choose a local path to save your project
    • Choose a name for your project, such as “Hello World”
  3. Select Create project.
Phonegap application create project

   Start the Server

    Ip address of your server is mentioned On the green bar
    If the server has not started, click the arrow (>) to the right of your app’s name.

Phonegap application server

 Pair App with PhoneGap Developer App

Phonegap connect with developer app / server
To know about PhoneGap Developer app click here

Get Start Development

It’s now business as usual. You can now edit and immediately preview your project on a device.
  1. Open www/index.html.
  2. Edit any content.
  3. Save the file.
  4. See the updates appear on your device.      
Phonegap create code final
Enjoy coding ...........
Wait for the next post 
Keep reading

Friday 28 April 2017

Php installations

Php Server's/ Editor's Installations.

To work with PHP you need a server for the before starting development in it.
Following are the Offline server which will create Offline Host server for the practice purpose.
link are as below 

Xampp (windows)

WampServer ( Windows ) Recommended

LAMP ( linux ) Recommended

 Some Development Environment


Aptana studio

After Downloading and you system server 
we can actually work on the development.

Php form with Sql connectivity

PHP Forms with MYSQL 

 In this section we are going to actually introduce you the PHP development 

In that we are going to make Html form and stores the date which is provided by the user in the Database.

Before that if you dont know how to setup server
(click here)

and finally some development

lets make some form in Html which will

Now for designing a form write the given code in index.php file
and write some Html code as below
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Add Employee</title>
<form method="post" action="">
<label>First Name</label>
<input type="text" name="first_name" />
<br />
<label>Last Name</label>
<input type="text" name="last_name" />
<br />
<input type="text" name="department" />
<br />
<input type="text" name="email" />
<br />
<input type="submit" value="Add Employee">

As above written Html code please give every <INPUT> tag special  NAME 
cause it is going to help us to connect the our Html code to database via PHP  

Now make another file name as insert.php 
and write below mention code  

in this page in the 
firsr php block we are going to make connection with database
in that check the connection 
after that make sql vaiable and insert the query in that variable 
check the insertion process and if work is done close the connection

// make connection with database 
 // check connection is working or not
echo 'Failed to connect';
// create a variable
//Execute the query
mysqli_query($connect"INSERT INTO employees1(first_name,last_name,department,email)
// check data in insarted in the database or not 

if(mysqli_affected_rows($connect) > 0){
echo "<p>Employee Added</p>";
echo "<a href="index.html">Go Back</a>";
} else {
echo "Employee NOT Added<br />";
echo mysqli_error ($connect);
// echo the values which are inserted 

echo $_POST['first_name'];
echo '<br />';
echo $_POST['email'];

and the sql query for table is 

'first_name' varchar(20),
'last_name' varchar(20),
'department' varchar(10),
'email' varchar(20),
PRIMARY KEY ('first_name')

 wait for the Next post till then check previous ones
( Click here for previous Posts about Php )

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Wednesday 26 April 2017

Welcome To Developer Skool codeclass

Welcome To all 
This is our new Blog site for development tutorial
so that you can learn fast and accurate
This blog is under control of the firm named as The Spi-Tech consolidate .
We are going post about each and every developments tool and techniques, which can make you work easy

we will be covering
all the following languages and technologies for the start.

Web Technologies.
  1. Ajax
  2. AngularJs
  4. Bootstrap 
  5. Cake php
  6. Cpanel
  7. Css
  8. Css3
  9. Drupal
  10. Google Maps
  11. Html
  12. Html 5
  13. Http
  14. JavaScript
  15. J query
  16. JSF
  17. Php 
  18. Ruby
  19. VB Script
  20. W3scc
  21. WordPress
  22. XHtml 
Android Development 

AIDE (Android IDE)
Application Craft
Android Studio
Android Developer Tools (ADT)
Intel XDK -HTML5
MonoGame -C#
MoSync -HTML5/C/C++
PhoneGap -HTML5
Telerik -HTML5

Tools for Front End
  1. Accelerator
  2. Altova Mobile
  3. Together
  4. Android Studio
  5. Appception
  6. Ios Sdk and so on
  7. Java ME
  8. Mendix
Tools for Back-end servers development

  1. Altova Mobile Together Server  
  2. Serving Higher Ed Admissions, Scheduling & more.
  3. API Express  
  4. IBM MobileFirst Server  
  5. WebORB Integration Server

we will see all the development which are listed or not in this blog site
wait for our next post.

We are comapany who work in the field of development .
for any query and IT work & Development proposal
contact us.

The Spi-Tech Consolidate :
Facebook  Gmail Google+